We’re ‘Hiring!’


Hiring That’s right, we’re hiring! We’re happy to announce we have the following positions (found below) available. By joining the Hozen Throne team, you’ll have access to no salary, no benefits, bonuses or healthcare plans; we even threw out our generous pension scheme!

We’re always looking for contributors. Have a topic you just can’t keep quiet on? Get in touch and we can make that happen!

US This blog was started so that we might address the issues of roleplay across World of Warcraft. The team are European players and so, while we’re able to study roleplay on the European servers, we’re unable to delve into the American World of Warcraft servers. We need you, American players to document that which happens across the pond. Do you currently play on American roleplaying servers? Get in touch and join today! It’s part of the American dream!


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