The Majestic Magister



So, you’re a Magister, that’s the same as wizard, right? What’s your favourite school of magic?

Pah! We invented ‘wizards’! The mighty Sin’dorei are descended from those who first unlocked the grand powers of ‘magic’, twisting them to our own machinations and building beautiful cities. You know of Dalaran? That was us. To say we are the same as ‘wizards’ is a rather vulgar comparison, akin to comparing a master swordsmith to a child who sharpens sticks to act as weapons; although they both are ‘crafters’ , their skills are simply utterly opposite. The same can be said between the Magisters of Quel’thalas and these ‘other races’ with their ‘wizards’, we are simply superior. As for my favourite school, surely you can guess? No? As with all my people, Arcane is my strongest weapon, wielding untold power to create and destroy. That is why they call me Majestic after all.

As one of the Horde correspondents, I hear you share an office with the Grumbling Grunt, how is that?

Grotesque to say the least. He burps. He farts. I’m very sure he hasn’t washed in a while, and sometimes he falls asleep on his desk only to wake up screaming ‘Lok’tar ogar!’ Often, when I am researching about the transmorphic properties of fauna within Quel’thalas, I can hear him mumbling complaints about work and how he “Oh so wishes he was back in the Barrens fighting the Alliance”, it breaks my concentration! I guess he does come in handy when I need help moving furniture though.

Have you always wanted to be a Magister or did you have other aspirations?

It’s the pride of most Blood Elves to harness an ambition that makes Deathwing’s shy in comparison. The only true way to realise such aspirations is to become a Magister and sit at the highest echelon of our society, and if you’re really lucky you can actually become the Regent-Lord’s Chin-Stroker. Oh, I can see in your eyes you completely underestimate the true power of being a Chin-Stroker! Well, I will inform you. The Chin-Stroker is an ancient Sin’dorei position which originally was created to make sure our Kings worked to the best of their abilities. Whenever they made a good decision or came home having beaten the Amani hands down, the Chin-Stroker would casually grasp their face and give them a little rewarding waggle. Safe to say, it’s one of the most affluent positions in Elven society. Honestly, I crave it.

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What’s your favourite playable race in World of Warcraft?

I have two. If we’re talking in terms of aesthetics, I really like the Worgen. My favourite animal is a wolf so it’s no surprise that being able to turn into a giant version of one with superior strength and running speed definitely makes me wet with excitement. However, in general, I really enjoy the Blood Elves. It’s safe to say that they have a really rich back-story that penetrates through most of Azeroth’s history, stemming from the Highborne’s abuse of the Well of Eternity before and during the War of the Ancients to the genocide of almost their entire race during the Third War. Having role-played a Blood Elf for around three years, I’ve fallen in love with their concepts and the atrocities they’ve suffered. It’s truly moving!

You’re the horde correspondent, so if you could sell Horde in one paragraph, what would it say?

Everyone screams out for a release, a repressed desire to just explode with emotion and enjoy freedom. The Horde provides all of that. Not only can you play a race that isn’t your own, but you get to play these awesome characters with special traits! For instance there are the Savage Orcs. Who wouldn’t want to be these brutes of pure destruction yet also have a strong sense of integrity by returning to their old Shamanistic ways during the Third War? Simply put, it’s this sweet bestial release that tempts us the most, to really return to our uncivilised roots when society was barbaric and not nearly as structured. Plus, there’s nothing more satisfying than screaming ‘for the Horde!’ at the top of your lungs. I just can’t keep a straight face doing it with ‘for the Alliance’. Sorry guys!

Besides playing World of Warcraft, what’re some of your other hobbies?

I’m an avid PvPer, both in World of Warcraft and in League of Legends. The latter really got me into it, where I found myself slowly getting better and better. After playing that for a year I decided to try my hand in Warcraft, which sadly is worse off than League because warriors are just so broken! Rant over. I’m also a musician and I play guitar, like almost everyone else in the world, hah! I’m also in a band and I’ve played with them for around six years now, including doing a warm up act for the one and only Rick Astley! That was so much fun. Music is a big passion of mine for sure!

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