The Grumbling Grunt




Greetings, Grumbling Grunt. As an Orc, I suppose you belong to a clan. Which clan is it, and what do you think of it?

The Bleeding Hollow! We had some of the finest warriors, of which Kilrogg was the greatest. Unequalled in battle, and a sound tactician at that, our Chieftain bought the horde valuable minutes with his dying breath. While we do not number as many as we once used to, our legacy, and his, lives on through Jorin Deadeye, his only son. It swells my heart with pride even now, thinking of the future we have ahead of ourselves, under his rule.

What do you think about your friends? I know the Courteous Charlatan is a Human… are you okay with that?

One can not be cautious enough, picking his friends in a world torn by deceit and war, but there are those I place my trust in. Kash, one of my kin, is like a brother to me. We’ve stood together many times, in our early days, and I can say with certainty he’d give his life for me. Pfeh. If there’s one defining trait about him though, it’s that he’s even… even more of a grump than I am!

And then there’s Thaki. Between you, me and that tree, she’s a bit of an odd-ball. Always up for the hunt, but pouting when I catch the big one! She’s… a good cook, also, but don’t tell her I said — What do you mean, he’s a HUMAN? I know the smell of human, you’re not fooling me! First that satyr was gibbering on about them, then the murloc, and now you? Get out of my l–… Hrrrmph. Since dinner is ready I’ll let this transgression slip, little interviewer… It’d be a shame to let this sweet pork go to waste.

“Steamwheedle Intercontinental Flights” is offering you a free flight and vacation in Northrend or Pandaria. Where would you go?!

BAH! I should’ve known you were trying to sell me something, from the start. You didn’t even ask if I FELT like going on your pathetic trip, you money-grubbing louse. Last time I stepped onboard any goblin-manned zeppelin, we crashed off the shore of Stranglethorn and were drifting for days. Forget about it, you’re not selling anything to me you stinking rat, sod off and don’t come back!

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On World of Warcraft, what have you always wanted to roleplay, but never have?

I’ve always wanted to play a naga ever since the Illidari campaigns in WC3, because they struck me as cunning and they had an air of mysticism about them that I felt was lacking in the other elvish races. This urge has only grown as of late, when new content got released involving Azshara and her minions, especially with the addition of Vash’jir, a breath taking zone that’s CRAWLING with them!

If you could have any companion from World of Warcraft in real life, what would it be?

The worg pup, simply so that I could raise it into a cunning mount and companion. Who WOULDN’T want to ride around on a sentient wolf twice your size, instead of some horse?! They’re fast, reliant, and most importantly, cool looking! You could tell all your friends that you just went for a ride on your worg, and they wouldn’t bat a lid, unlike all those pony-prancing folk!

If you had to face the biggest and baddest boss of all time, which 4 heroes would you take and what role would you, and they, have in the party?

Turalyon would be a first choice of mine, due to the expertise he’s shown while fighting darker forces, namely Teron Gorefiend during the Second War, an orcish death knight of considerable power which seemed to have the winning hand over him. My second pick, is undoubtedly Thrall, as I feel he would be an excellent leader of the party, not to mention the guy that singlehandedly kept open the Maelstrom throughout the Cataclysm that wracked Azeroth. The third would, ironically, be Garrosh, simply because he’s all brawn and very little brain, good tank material, or so he’s been portrayed lately at least. My last pick? Azshara! She’s the most powerful ‘mortal’ sorceress on Azeroth, in possession of numerous trinkets that augment her magic.

My role in it all? Hope and pray for the best.

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