The Courteous Charlatan




Charlatan. How did you end up… Well, a Charlatan?

…Excuse me, little man? While it is true that some, a small portion, might I add, of my tricks are viewed with disgrace… I will say that for the most part, I am an honest and upstanding magician. An illusionist with great, untapped power! I would have you cast these ill-thoughts from your mind and focus on the matter at hand… your future.

Your friends had some interesting things to say about you. What do you think of them?

You do not need to tell me that, my good man, I am well aware of what they said. I’m well aware of what they think. What they do not know, however, is that I know this. But… friends is the wrong term here, they follow me like lost sheep, for I am their guide and leader. Without them? They’d be rotting in some Night Elf forest or… some… distant swamp… I’ve given them a life! I’ve given them… a future!

Where do you see yourself in five years, on this very day?

It is funny that you say this now, before me. In fact, I knew less than ten minutes ago that you would ask this very question! Do you know what it is like to gaze upon the future? To see what I have seen, to know what I know? It is… beyond your comprehension. For a small price of your soul, I could look deep into your future and reveal to you that which you do not know. But… keeping strictly on topic, I simply cannot reveal to you what the future has in store for I, know this, however, it involves the domination of all these… lesser beings before us. But let us wait for that moment, here is to the future!

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What type of roleplay you enjoy the most, and why?

Over the 8 years I have been playing World of Warcraft (golly gosh, that’s a long time!), I can safely say that I’ve dabbled in a multitude of different concepts, settings and themes. I’ve roleplayed on World of Warcraft, over Skype conversations, forums and other video games. That said, there is a type of roleplay that I keep coming back to: villains. I love them. Dastardly, despicable and dangerous! They are complex machines that require a dash of humanity and originality to be successful. I like to think that they pose a challenge to writers and it’s that challenge they pose that interests me. Villains all the way (but where would they be without the heroes?)

What is your favorite zone, and why?

I find many of them simply amazing but I have to play by the rules… It’s definitely not Mulgore and it’s definitely not Nagrand. Those unending plains of green and grass never did a lot for me. It’s going to have to be Azuremyst Isle. As I answer this question, I have the music playing… and for me, everything in this location just… works. There’s a sense of peace, serenity, mysticism and mystery… but also something darker lingering out in the woods. Love it!

If you ever wanted to turn one of your character’s story into a novel, which character would that be, and why?

As I’m currently working on my first, major novel, the idea to write a book based on one of my character’s is an attractive prospect. For me, you not only have to love your character, but see the journey they take. Every moment of roleplay has a chance to shape this journey. It isn’t about winning, nor is it about losing. Some of the best moments for my characters have been shaped by the encounters they’ve had with random others. As a writer, I tell grim tales where the heroes are doomed, forever spiraling down along a dark garden path. It’s for that reason, I’d choose Bill Stuckley. For those that know of him, Bill Stuckley is a vile, depraved criminal. A man who has little to no morals. A pervert, a bully and a brute. But he wasn’t always… Now here’s a fella who was betrayed by everything he stood for. A former knight for a rebellious noble, Bill Stuckley stood by him until the end. But the man, noble and honourable, was spared by the forces that be. Sent to work in labour camps, one strike after another, Bill became twisted and bitter. He’s a doomed man who has become out of control. But there’s a great sadness within him, one that, despite his horrid nature, humanises him. It’s a dark story, one full to the brim of pain, betrayal and sadness. A great story that I will no doubt write one of these days.

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