

There are, across World of Warcraft’s European servers, recorded to be almost 13,000,000 characters belonging to millions of Warcraft subscribers.

Of those nearly 13,000,000 characters, however, only 9.4% (that’s a whopping, 1,219,605) belong to accounts on roleplaying servers. While that may only be 10% of all existing characters, that’s still a huge number of characters (and consequently players) who delve into the art of roleplaying across World of Warcraft’s 35 [European] roleplaying servers.

…Okay, so, enough with the statistics, what does this actually mean?

It means that thousands of people log on everyday to start and engage in hours upon hours of role-play. Roleplay that isn’t always documented. A type of dynamic, living writing that is, like a breeze in the wind, temporary. There are forums, blogs and archives of character stories, profiles and events which help to document this ever-changing, ever-developing writing style.

This blog was set up, not to record years upon years of roleplay (yep, this has been happening since Warcraft’s inception) but to analyse, discuss and reveal some of the techniques used, common practices, taboos and all things roleplay related found in our living, breathing and passionate community.

This is a salute to roleplayers worldwide, no matter how skilled or unskilled they be. For us, it’s not just about documenting this stuff, but rather, forming an opinion, taking it into the public eye and discussing it.

Our team here won’t be putting up a disclaimer, nor will we attest to being the best roleplayers throughout the world, but opinions will be thrown here, there and everywhere… if you agree, tell us; if you disagree, we implore you to tell us why!

Who are we?

To put it simply, a bunch of roleplayers playing over on Argent Dawn (EU) who think that creating a forum for discussion about all things roleplay can only be a good idea. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and we hope you enjoy the exciting topics we dip our sly fingers into!

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