The Cathedral Square – ‘The Throne of Roleplay?’


Throne of RP

SmallSSThe Cathedral Square, located in Stormwind, serves as the headquarters for Alliance roleplay on Argent Dawn EU. It is one of the main points of interest for roleplayers today and a good place for a beginner roleplayer to learn the ropes before heading out to the real world.

…Waaaaait, wait! Real world? Why would anyone leave the safety of the city of Stormwind?

What if I can’t find any roleplay outside the city? Eh, I’ll just go back to the Cathedral Square. Good ol’ reliable Cathedral Square.

This thought occurred to me more than once whenever I wanted to head out and look for some exciting roleplay outside of Stormwind. The Cathedral Square is a safe bet: there’s always roleplay to be found. Always. You don’t even have to work hard! All you have to do is walk over and a crowd of characters will appear before you; some of them simply standing around, and some taking a more active role.

How did that happen? What makes the Cathedral Square the point of interest it is today?

Ereina, former leader of the Eclipse Vanguard, took the time to explain: “The psychological association built from guilds recruiting there. It’s a population center, and there will always be somebody there at any given point. They [roleplayers] are attracted there because that’s where the guilds recruit.”

I then asked Huolang, from Argent Dawn, what lures the recruiters over to the Cathedral Square: “There’s many idle people in the Cathedral Square,” she explains. “Some are guildless. Guild recruiters see that those people can strengthen their number.”

There are many idle people in the Square, some say it is because of recruiters, while others say recruiters are drawn there because of the idle people lingering in the area.

What came first, the Recruiter or the Roleplayer?

Taking to the streets once more, I posed the simple question: what came first?

Baroness Sinthe Beylocke (Sinthe) of The Crown Ministry: “I think roleplayers [came first]. The Square has little significance when it comes to the PVE and PVP aspects of Warcraft, so it appeared as the obvious place to centre RP.”

Rupert Cirandor (Cirandor): “I believe roleplayers [did]. If only Blizzard would create a Military Quarter, I think the recruiters would move there, leaving the other roleplayers there [in the Cathedral District] to roleplay without being spammed by recruiters!”

Ganfu Stillbarrel (Ganfu): “I’d say roleplayers [came first]. In the Cathedral Square, there’s a higher chance of encountering another roleplayer, in my opinion. The place has almost everything: benches, trees, fountain, a nearby pond and whatnot.”

3:0 – a decisive victory for the Roleplayers!

So with that being said, what’s in it for the roleplayers who dwell in the Square? What are the positive things about this roleplay hub?

A steady environment where other roleplayers can always be found. Like, literally always. Unlike its Horde counterpart, to me the Cathedral Square feels like a place where I will always find other like-minded players who are up for some spontaneous roleplay. It’s inside Stormwind, which is always bustling with life and adds to the feeling of a safe and steady heaven.

The Cathedral Square looks good. Especially after that post-Cataclysm make-over (adding the pretty gazebo and the huge cemetery.) The textures and environment are up to date, and that is, in my humble opinion, a very good reason to go there for a nice walk!

It’s accessible. The Cathedral Square in the middle of Stormwind, the capital of the Alliance! Why go as far as any other place when you have a grandiose square in the middle of a huge city? It can be accessed from the Park (R.I.P. Curse you Deathwing!), the Trade District, the Harbor, and the Dwarven Sqaure. Basically, it can be accessed from anywhere within Stormwind. That’s most definitely a plus.

The Cathedral of Light, the headquarters of the Church of the Holy Light, is here. It’s the most striking monument to be found and one of the most important structures of anyone who calls themselves a follower of the Holy Light. Where else would those faithful believers linger if not in the Cathedral Square?

These are, in my opinion, the positive things about the Cathedral Square which make it a valid roleplay hub. But this coin has two sides, and there are various negative things about the Cathedral being a roleplay hub:

The Cathedral Square made us all lazy. Let’s face it: roleplay can be found in the Cathedral Square most of the time. The steady amount of roleplayers and simple accessibility makes the Cathedral Square the perfect place to go to in favour of somewhere else far away.

It’s 22:00 PM, I’m tired and generally lazy and I want my share of RP, too. Should I gather some players and go on a fishing trip in Booty Bay, or reclaim Lordaeron for the Alliance? Naaah. I’ll stay here in the city where there’s roleplay.

Standing around isn’t exciting and this is exactly what happens in the Cathedral Square. People stand around. Or they walk around. Either way, there is nothing exciting really happening here. Stormwind is a good place to reflect a calm day in your character’s life. But roleplaying in that square every day, all the time? Surely it is too calm or too boring.

The rest of Azeroth withers while we remain standing around the Cathedral Square. As the voiceover in the Mists of Pandaria trailer says:

We were there when a world of limitless adventure opened up before us. We rose defiantly against all those who would threaten the peace of our kingdoms. We ventured to a new alien world and cast the lords of shadows and flame back into the abyss. It was we who held the line as death itself rose like a tied to swallow everything we held dear. We have endured the breaking of the world…

…to sit here, in the Cathedral District, and ignore the entirety of this world ‘we’ worked so hard to protect is a bit deflating, no?

We can see how the Cathedral Square is attractive to both recruiters and roleplayers for various reasons. Despite these reasons, I think that players shouldn’t limit themselves to the Square or even Stormwind.

Great zones that serve as perfect spots for roleplay are out there and are, unfortunately, left empty by players. I’d say: use them. Start new initiatives that will take your character as well as others outside the gates of Stormwind. Breathe life into those great but dead zones!

Ultimately, the Cathedral Square is indeed a great place for roleplay. It really does have almost everything. Though, in my humble opinion, roleplayers shouldn’t be bound to the walls of that district. There’s a huge world out there and it has much more than a few benches and trees! Buckle up and explore! You can always come back to the Cathedral at the end of the day, sit on a bench and relax.

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